My friend Maren tagged me weeks ago to reveal "7 things you may or may not know about me." So in classic Kami form, here it is forever and a day later....
#1...Weezer wrote a song about me...I'm a half Japanese girl! Sadly, I don't speak any Japanese, and neither does my mom, nor my grandparents for that matter. It's surprising how many people don't know this, and have a hard time believing it when I tell them. So when I say I like sushi...its not because I'm being trendy, it's who I am :)
#2...I still wear my cheerleading socks from high school. Kind of gross (I do wash them regularly though) and I know its been five years, but they are
THE most comfortable socks I've ever worn! I don't wear them because I'm stuck in the "glory days," it's totally for comfort and they still look like new, and I have nine pairs of them, and I paid for them, so why not? Right?
#3...When I was a little girl, I prayed and prayed for a sister! And let me tell you what, Heavenly Father answer prayers...not always as we expect, or when we expect it, but He always comes through! I have the sweetest, most beautiful little sister, and I absolutely adore everything about her! I'm sure I had to wait so long for her (15 years) because my poor parents couldn't handle 2 princesses any closer together!
#4...My favorite place to think or relax is in some form of shopping center. Wal-Mart, the mall, grocery stores, or drug stores, it doesn't matter, I meditate the best in the hustle and bustle of retail! It's oddly relaxing, reminds me of home (and shopping with my mom and grandma), and is just conducive to thinking.
#5...I can recite the bios of almost every Utah news reporter and anchor! I check KSL continually, and feel like I am best friends with all of the broadcasters. The news business is just so exciting to might call it an obsession. Weird, I know!
#6...In my next life, I want to own a bakery/pastry shop. I love little tarts, fresh bread, pretty creme puffs, and all those delicious sweet treats! But, my mom always says I don't like mornings enough to be a goods wouldn't be ready til at least 8pm. Hopefully I'm more of a morning person in my next life!
#7...If I could combine my obsession with broadcasting and my desire to be a pastry chef, I would love, love, love to have my own cooking show or be on a show like "The View" or "Good Things Utah." Dream job!
Now I tag Di (this is a tag team from Maren, you better do it now Di), Melissa, Tabbi, Jessica and Mandy...let's hear it girls!