Sunday, October 7, 2007

Good Read...

If you have a few extra minutes (and you haven't been sucked into the "Twilight" series yet) check out "A Thousand Splendid Suns." This book is amazing! A coworker recommended it to me, and I read it in about 2 days (and considering I am on month 7 of trying to finish "1776"-2 days is quite an accomplishment.) Be prepared though, because as soon as you finish reading it, you'll probably cry...and wish that there was something you could do to help the women of the world more! Just a little background information, to peak your's about 2 women in Afghanistan, one born in the 1950's and the other born in the early 80's, and how their lives are changed following the political and social changes in Afghanistan and the subsequent civil wars that follow. It doesn't focus on the war or the politics of Afghanistan, but mostly the everyday lives of these two Afghani women, and their struggles and hardships. Read'll end up crying in your closet, but it will be a good cry and if nothing else, it will make you realize how blessed you are to be a woman in America.


Jaci said...

thanks Kamster. I AM sucked into Edward and Bella at the moment but this is next on my list.

Brian said...


I read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and "Kiterunner" (which I'm guessing you've read if you've read 100 suns). Both are great. I was making fun of the vampire books to my second hour. They told me I couldn't take another shot at the book until I read it. So, I'm embarrassed to say, I'm reading it.

LAME. Thus far, anyway.

Good to see you're doing so well...
Bro. M

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I guess the previous poster beat me to it! I jumped on to tell you to read the Kiterunner as well, you'll love it too if you haven't.
Hope you're doing well dearie!!