Friday, January 2, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams....

I love that Christmas song, especially now that I come home for Christmas from so far away. Being home for Christmas is a dream, but getting here was kind of a nightmare.

Normally, I'm such a good packer...I put all my liquids in a ziploc in my carry on, I have my clothes neatly folded in my suitcase, and I follow all of the TSA guidelines. Well, this trip definitely wasn't normal. I procrastinated a little on my packing and didn't get organized before my departure. I rushed home from work with 30 mins. to pack and get to the airport. Plenty of time, right? Only if you consider throwing a bunch of clothes (including some damp ones out of my broken dryer)and the family's Christmas presents into a couple suitcases. I didn't have time to bag my liquids so I threw all my makeup, hair stuff, contact solution, brushes, flat iron, etc into my checked bag and took off for the airport. I made it to the airport just in time to rush through security and wait 2.5 hours for my delayed flight :)

My flight to Cincinnati was late taking off from DC, and as soon as we landed I turned on my cell phone and was relieved to hear that my connecting flight to SLC was delayed! I ran through the terminal (New Years Resolution...go to the gym!) and headed to my gate (on the other side of the airport). After all that running, I found out I was too late and they wouldn't let me on my plane, which was just sitting there (and that wouldn't take off for another 30mins) :(

Bright side, Delta put me up in a hotel for the night and put me on a flight to SLC for the next day (with a very long layover in Atlanta). Not too bad right? That's what I thought, until I discovered I couldn't get my checked bag, with EVERYTHING I needed to get ready! Of course, the one time I'm not super packer I have problems! Have no fear, Delta is here. Check out the sweet goods in their little overnight bag!

Notice the XXL SkyTeam shirt, the fold out brush (the only thing I had to do my hair the next morning...scary), the handy dandy toothbrush (only useful item), some detergent, deodorant (it smelt worse than me), and other little goodies.

I slept in wet pajamas, used my $14 meal vouchers to buy contact solution, and arrived at the hotel at 11pm only to leave for the airport a mere 5 hours later. I had a lovely time in Kentucky! I realize it could have been a lot worse! But when you have to call your lil sis (the one you took the red-eye flight to SLC to see) and tell her you're stuck in KY and won't make it home for another WHOLE day, and she cries herself to kind of makes you want to cry yourself to sleep too :)

I spent the next morning Christmas shopping in the Atlanta airport, looking like a homeless person! I eventually made it to Salt Lake...just a day later than originally planned. And then it was on to Tremonton...and with my luck, we got stuck in a traffic jam from Ogden to Brigham City of all places-haha! 4 hours later I arrived HOME for CHRISTMAS...and it was all worth it!


Anonymous said...

That stressed me out just reading it! Glad you finally made it. What a bummer time getting here though. Hope you had a great Christmas with your family!!

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Traveling can be so stressful!! I hope you had a merry Christmas!!

Brooke said...

You sound like me-- packing at the last minute. I think I was gchatting you an hour prior to the mass packing event! Next time you go to Utah, just take me with you-- that way if you get stuck you'll at least have a friend!